We absolutely love Plessey Woods Country Park! It is absolutely brilliant for kids, and situated just 10 minutes from the A1, so it’s a great place to break up long car journeys up North. Here’s some things about Plessey Woods that you might want to know.
What facilities are at Plessey Woods Country Park?
At the visitor centre, you’ll find a cafe, toilets and a great play area which has play equipment for both toddlers and older children. There are picnic benches dotted around the entrance and in the woods themselves, so you can find a really picturesque spot.

Where do you park at Plessey Woods?
The cost of parking in the main car park is just £1.60 for two hours. Great value for a journey stop. If you’re staying nearby and want to make more of a day of it you can park all day there for £3.
What is there for kids to do at Plessey Woods?
This is the best bit. The woods are packed of fun and engaging activities for children. From an ogre’s toilet to fairy doors to paddling to a bug hotel to traditional games, there really is something to keep everyone happy. The play area is great (with picnic benches both in and around it) and it is next to playing fields.

Is Plessey Woods suitable for buggies?
The main path towards the woods is buggy friendly, and there are some paths where you’d be ok in dry weather. But half the fun of Plessey woods is exploring all the different paths and steps and crossing bridges. So I’d recommend if you have a buggy you stay around the play area and playing fields.
What is a good Plessey Woods walk?
There are a number of routes to take around Plessey Woods, the short walk (just over a mile) that we like to take with our toddler that sees a lot of the fun activities is this one;
- From the car park walk towards the woods on the main path, passing the play area on your left. Keep going over the bridge and you’ll see the tree-trunk drum kit on your right (unfortunately some of the kit has gone missing!).
- When the path splits, turn right (slightly downhill) and you’ll find the Ogre’s toilet on your right.
- Go straight ahead on the path going uphill and follow it round. As you approach the wide gate, take the path on the left that turns into the woodland (there is an owl signpost).
- As you walk, look to the left and you’ll see some children’s games and picnic benches.

- The path falls to the river, although your route turns left pop to see the fairy doors which is a little along the path to your right.

- Retrace your steps and cross the bridge over the river (although children might prefer to splash through it in wellies)
- Follow this path all the way back towards the centre, passing the crag, colourful sculptures and up and down steps.

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